ARIZONA ATTORNEY WARNING! Lawyer Joshua Turner Goes Nutso

ARIZONA ATTORNEY WARNING: Lawyer Joshua Turner Goes Nutso! Does He Need Anger Management Counseling?
MFI-Miami has issued an Arizona attorney warning because of a voicemail peppered with profanity we received from Arizona lawyer, Joshua Turner.
Turner appears to be your typical arrogant gastropod attorney with diarrhea of the mouth.
It also appears he was also trying to impress cute female lawyers. So this could also be just some long-shot attempt to get laid.
According to the Arizona Bar, Turner has only had his law license since 2016 and is only licensed to practice in the Arizona state court.
It’s pretty obvious he failed to do any research about me or MFI-Miami before he made the call. If he had, he wouldn’t have called. Nor would he had left a threatening voice mail. The scary thing is this unhinged gastropod claims to practice family law.
If Turner had done the research of a first-year law school student, he would have quickly learned I like getting attorneys in trouble with their respective bar associations.
Turner ranted on about making my life miserable in his voice mail. He also claimed he was going to have me disbarred, etc. FYI – I’m not a lawyer, thank god. So I can’t be disbarred.
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