Foreclosure Horror Stories
Foreclosure Horror Stories: 4 Bizarre Foreclosure Stories That You Have To Read To Believe. Yes, They Could Happen To You!
MFI-Miami has heard and dealt with some of the craziest foreclosure horror stories. Foreclosures are typically the result of homeowners unable to pay their mortgages. But, in these four cases, homeowners are faced with foreclosure for bizarre and crazy reasons. These four cases are just a handful of stories that we have heard in 12 years in business.
HOA Foreclosure Horror Story:
Joe DiVerde owned a home in Wesley Chapel, Florida. He soon learned to own a home was more of a hassle than it was worth thanks to his HOA. Anyone living in a condo or home with an HOA in Florida knows the horror stories. Most HOAs are controlled by snowbirds from Long Island with nothing better to do than to stick their nose into your business and gossip. They also like to bitch and throw their weight around. It’s like a geriatric version of the movie, Heathers or Mean Girls.
Joe DiVerde learned this the hard way when he faced an unexpected ultimatum from HOA. They demanded he either paint your mailbox, pay a $1,000 fine, or face foreclosure. Because of an address mix-up, DiVerde never received prior concern over his mailbox. When he received notice, it was too late. The HOA began foreclosure proceedings. DiVerde found out when the process server came knocking on his door. This story belongs on this list of homeowner association horror stories.
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