FORT LAUDERDALE TOURIST WARNING! Drug And Sex Traffickers Use Hordes Of Drug Addicts To Prey On Tourists

Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale is a tourist mecca. Thus, tourism has become the backbone of its economy. However, Fort Lauderdale has also become a mecca for hordes of homeless drug addicts from across the United States.
The national drug epidemic is about to destroy the FortLauderdale’s reputation as an affordable place for fun in the sun. Especially to budget conscience tourists looking for deals.
Fort Lauderdale’s south end is attractive to budget conscience tourists looking for cheap deals and it’s proximity to the airport and the beaches. However, it is also attractive to the junkies and crackheads that roam Federal Highway on any given day hustling drivers for money to feed their hourly fix.
The women usually offer cheap sexual services to single men. The woman hops in the man’s car and gets him to pay for sex. Only she jumps out of the car as soon as money is in her hand. Many of these women also advertise for johns on the website, Megapersonals.


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