Is Michael Scott Fitzgerald The Village Idiot Of Naples?
Michael Scott Fitzgerald Trolls The Streets Of Fort Lauderdale Enticing Junkie Prostitutes For Sex With Weed And Coke
I hate to say it but Michael Scott Fitzgerald really is the village idiot of Naples. In the wee hours last Thursday morning, Fitzgerald was prowling the streets of Fort Lauderdale trying to entice sex from women with $40 and some a half a joint of weed and little coke.
He met up with my friend Jessica (not her real name) who is my source for some upcoming articles. Jessica is one of the many millennial heroin and crack addicts that live on the streets of south Fort Lauderdale. Many of whom will prostitute themselves for money to get their fix.
Usually, it’s just a scam. Girls like Jessica usually don’t have sex with the men. Especially when the agreed amount is a third of the going rate. She will bolt from the car as soon as the money is in her hand.
The wannabe budget minded john should know this. In addition, the john will look like an idiot and be arrested for solicitation if he goes crying to the cops. It’s almost a perfect scam for a female addict.
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