Two Nuns Are Accused Of Pilfering $500,000 From Catholic Church

Two Nuns Allegedly Stole $500,000 For Las Vegas Gambling Trips

two nuns
The Catholic church is accusing two nuns of pilfering $500,000 from a California church. Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Chang reportedly used the money to take gambling trips to Las Vegas.
The two nuns worked at St. James Catholic School in Torrance, California. Kreuper had been a principal at the school. Chang had worked as a teacher. Both nuns were best friends and had taken retirement earlier this year.
The nuns had apparently embezzled school funds for over a period of years. The Catholic school made parents believe the school was operating on a shoestring budget.
Both nuns have reportedly expressed remorse in regards to their actions. Neither the archdiocese and the church will be pursuing criminal charges.


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