Florida Appellate Courts Getting Irked By Trial Court Foreclosure Rulings

Florida Appellate Courts Irritated By Moronic Trial Court Foreclosure Rulings 

The Florida Appellate Courts have consistently ruled that a lender must be able to adequately prove legal standing before initiating a foreclosure action.
Yet, this hasn’t stopped circuit court judges from blindly following whatever bullshit a foreclosure mill lawyer feeds them. Nor has it stopped circuit court judges from ruling against homeowners without reviewing their case.
Broward County and Lee County have become infamous for systematically ruling in favor of lenders. Even when the lender’s lawyers make such egregious claims that the file is an embarrassment to the law firm representing the lender.
It has become obvious that the vast majority of circuit court judges don’t read foreclosures cases. Instead, they rely on lazy or incompetent clerks and systematically rule in favor of the lender. It is not about judicial corruption. Contrary to what foreclosure activists and pissed off homeowners want to believe.


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