Nutso WTBQ Station Manager Turns Station Into Cuckoo TBQ
Video About Nutso WTBQ Station Manager Spreads Faster Than A Herpes Outbreak On Social Media

Nutso WTBQ Station Manager Joy Doe aka Taylor Sterling strikes again! This time it was with fellow broadcaster Jonathan Rios.
Rios has a 2-hour oldies radio show he markets to community and internet radio stations across the country. He had reached out to WTBQ about airing his show. Unfortunately for Rios, it didn’t go as well as he had hoped. Rios was unaware that the nutso WTBQ Station Manager and her Joan Crawford style management techniques. Sterling’s management style has turned WTBQ into Cuckoo TBQ.
It’s not just potential advertisers. It’s also members of the community activists likeelderly Frank “Uncle Buck” Pileggi. She hurled Uncle Buck’s collection bin filled with toys and food into the street with the determination of an old Soviet Olympic Shot Putter.
Cuckoo TBQ is now near bankruptcy after Sterling’s five-year tenure. Advertisers have fled and so have most of the longtime show hosts. Things have become extremely bad for station owner Frank Truatt. Truatt has had to resort to using hair dye on his worn out toupee he bought from For Men Only in Queens when he was cruising chicks listening to Foghat in the 70s.
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