Blowhard Bill Schuette Campaign Stunt Blows Up In His Face
Blowhard Bill Schuette Whines About Blight But Ignored Complaints From Thousands Of Victims Of Foreclosure Abuse Committed By His Contributors Who Caused The Blight

Schuette thought he had the perfect October surprise to exploit in order to resurrect his dying gubernatorial campaign.
Blowhard Bill Schuette decided it would be a great idea to attack his Democratic opponent Gretchen Whitmer’s running mate Garlin Gilchrist for a blighted duplex he owns in Detroit.
He posted a video on social media calling on Gilchrist to step down as a candidate. Except, it backfired. Consequently, people called Schuette out for his hypocrisy and for his handling of the Flint Water Crisis. However, his critics left out how his major campaign contributors David Trott and Linda Orlans are far more responsible for Detroit’s blight than Garlin Gilchrist.
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