South Florida Foreclosures Are Skyrocketing
South Florida Foreclosures Are Skyrocketing Thanks To The Florida Supreme Court
South Florida Foreclosures By Numbers

The report shows one in every 1,180 households in Florida had a Lis Pendens and foreclosure action filed against it. This is a 35% increase from the same time last year.
Only New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland had higher rates of foreclosure starts.
The Attom study also shows the number of foreclosure starts in Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach jumped 29% in August. This also is the fourth consecutive month of year-over-year spikes in foreclosure.
The spike in foreclosure starts in markets such as Miami-Dade. Miami-Dade is plagued by income inequality and stagnant wages that continue to worsen. This could be a sign of a worse problem.
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