Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Accused Of Pilfering Packets Of Sweet 'N Low From Restaurants
Trump Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross Accused Of Siphoning $120 Million From His Partners And Stealing Packets Of Sweet ‘N Low

Wilbur Ross is also accused of being a pathological liar.
A Forbes magazine article outlined the allegations that led to lawsuits and an SEC fine. Forbes Magazine also states Ross could rank among the biggest grifters in American history if even half the allegations are true.
The Department of Commerce slammed the story:
The anonymously sourced Forbes story is based on false rumors, innuendo, and unverifiable claims. This rehash of old stories is clearly the result of a personal vendetta.
Wilbur Ross told Forbes in a statement:
Forbes notes Wilbur Ross failed to mention the $2.3 million fine the SEC levied against his firm in 2016.
One of Ross’ former colleagues called the millionaire, “a pathological liar.”
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