878 Clueless New York Lawyers Become Victims In Toner Cartridge Scam
Clueless New York Lawyers Become Victims In $3.3 Million Toner Cartridge Scam Run By California Man

Mark Timothy Mushkin was busted for operating a toner cartridge scam from 2011 t0 2017. Mushkin allegedly conned over 878 New York lawyers and business owners over a 6 year period into paying him more than $3.3 million.
The enterprising scammer would send out invoices for copier toner that was never ordered or delivered. As a result, the clueless New York lawyers and business owners blindly paid the invoices thinking they were legitimate.
Mushkin allegedly set up a phony company named IT Tech Products. IT Tech would targeted law firms for Mushkin’s “Sliver Scam”
The idea of the sliver scam is that you can pocket a lot of money by taking just a little bit from many people. Each rip-off is too small to spark law enforcement curiosity, but collectively, the swindles add up to a big pile of money.
The key is to keep it small. Do not get greedy and do not exploit the same sucker again and again.
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