Millionaire Doctor Dad Of Chloe Moretz Screwed His Family
Millionaire Doctor Dad Of Actress Chloe Moretz Financially Ruined His Family Then Ran Off With Hilton Heir’s Ex

He also abandoned Chloe’s cancer-stricken mom and his 5 kids to get sloppy seconds from Hilton heir Ronald Hilton’s ex-wife.
McCoy Moretz declared bankruptcy and lost everything in 2005.
Moretz and his wife Teri owed millions of dollars to nearly 199 creditors. Yet, to an outsider, it looked like the Moretzes were millionaires.
McCoy Moretz was an ear, nose and throat specialist with a practice in suburban Atlanta.
He also ran a small cosmetic surgery company called Southern Facial Arts Center from the same office.
The Moretzes lived in a sprawling $3.4 million at the time of the bankruptcy. The seven-bedroom and eight-bathroom home sat on 2.95 acres.
The sprawling property also had a tennis court and a swimming pool, In addition, it also had a guest house with elevator and gourmet kitchen.
The now abandoned family home reflects everything that the Moretz household lost.
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