Three Sinister Schemes Creditors Will Use To Screw You


Three Sinister Schemes Creditors Will Use To Screw You And Keep You In Debt

Banks and creditors are always trying to figure out a way to make money. One way is to keep you buried in debt. Nothing says long-term customer than one who owes you money. One of the first things you learn in adulthood is that your future hinges on your willingness to take on debt. Do you want to go to college? 

You'll probably need a loan for that. Need a car? That's going to require a loan. Ready to put down some roots and settle in a permanent place of your own? Unless your name is Mister or Miss Money Bags, get ready to put yourself in debt

The bad news is that your car, education, and house are only the tip of the debt iceberg. Beneath the sea is a whole other landmass of ways American businesses want to keep you in debt.

Read More At MFI-Miami


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