Student Loan Debt Forgiveness May Be History In Trump Budget
Billionaire Trust Fund Baby Turned Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Wants To Eliminate Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

Donald Trump may eliminate Student Loan Debt Forgiveness in his first budget. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has also publicly stated she strongly favors eliminating the Student Loan Debt Forgiveness plan.
In addition, Betsy DeVos has failed to state how she plans to deal with federal student loans in the future.
Reports as of last May are that Trump and DeVos’ initial education budget will seek to eliminate the Student Loan Debt Forgiveness program. This would cost student loan borrowers billions of dollars. Yet, it would reap millions of dollars for the DeVos family. The DeVoses hold a sizeable stake in several student loan providers.
Trump and DeVos also want to eliminate over $700 million in Perkins Loans and massively reduce work-study programs. Read more at Student Loan Debt Forgiveness May Be History In Trump Budget
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