Wells Fargo Foreclosure Defense
The Aggressive Wells Fargo Foreclosure Defense Team That Knows How To Beat The Bankster Of Death!

You need the only aggressive Wells Fargo foreclosure defense specialists that have beaten back the bankster of death!
Yes. You heard that right! Wells Fargo is the bankster of death and having a Wells Fargo mortgage could actually kill you! This company has driven people to suicide and given people fatal heart attacks from stress.
They have put homeowners like Gretchen Molotky through a decade of hell after misapplying her tax and escrow payments on her mortgage.
They also have a history of abusing VA lending rules with disabled combat veterans. Just ask Donald Manning of West Virginia.
They even created a manual to explain to foreclosure attorneys how to create fraudulent endorsements on mortgage notes and bogus mortgage assignments.
Read more here: Wells Fargo Foreclosure Defense
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