Is WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling A Fraud?

It Appears WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling Is Blatantly Lying To People In The Hudson Valley About Who She Is And Her Past


WTBQ Station Manager Taylor Sterling aka Joy Taylor claims on the air and in private that she has led a life full of adventure. Her adventures and professions would make writers like Jack London or Ernest Hemingway blush in envy. 

Taylor has claimed she has been a psychiatrist, a TV reporter in Tampa, a reporter for a small Florida newspaper, a best-selling author, and a script writer.

She also openly brags about palling around with legendary CBS Newsman Walter Cronkite. She also brags about her sexual relationship with Film Director Michael Cimino. Cimino is known for the movie, The Deer Hunter. Cimino also is blamed for bankrupting United Artists in 1980. His over the top epic Heaven's Gate went millions of dollars over budget.


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