Is Mark Stopa Going To Prison? Inquiring Minds Want To Know!

The FDLE And FBI Are Wrapping Up Their Investigation Into Mark Stopa’s Alleged Equity Skimming Scheme. Is Mark Stopa Going To Prison? Rumors are running rampant in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area about Mark Stopa going to prison. MFI-Miami has learned from multiple sources that the criminal investigation into Mark Stopa’s alleged equity scam is wrapping up. So, the million-dollar question is, is Mark Stopa going to prison and for how long? No one is saying how long he could be going to prison. A jury will have to decide that. It also depends on what federal and state prosecutors put in the indictment(s). Yes, sources are also saying the indictments are coming sooner than later. We can expect to see them by the end of the year. Read More At MFI-Miami