Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Says, “Eff You, USA!”

Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Defies Trump COVID-19 Foreclosure Moratorium. SLS Wants Your House! It appears Australia is sending a big “FUCK YOU, AMERICA! WE’RE TAKING YOUR HOMES!” to American homeowners. Although, both countries seem to be in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian-owned Specialized Loan Servicing apparently has no problem issuing demands to Americans like they are Humungus and his roving band of mutants from The Road Warrior . The non-bank lender is owned by Australia-based Computershare has a long history of jerking around homeowners. SLS is defying Trump’s 90-day foreclosure moratorium by proceeding with filing foreclosures across the United States. MFI-Miami has received nearly two dozen calls from homeowners with SLS mortgages from California to South Carolina saying they have been served in the past week. Read more at MFI-Miami