Is Trump National Doral Miami Infested With Bed Bugs?

Trump Denies Trump National Doral Miami Has A Bed Bug Infestation. Yet, He Settled A Lawsuit That Claims It Does President Trump sparked higher than normal discomfort among America’s closest allies at the G7 Conference. America’s wackiest president made a bizarre attempt to host the 2020 G7 summit at Trump National Doral Miami. Trump claimed that Trump National Doral Miami would be the best because of its proximity to Miami’s airport. He also claimed it sports “spectacular” bungalows. He claimed that government experts had agreed with his opinion after reviewing several options. However, Trump did not name the experts. The proposal was met with ridicule which immediately escalated. It wasn’t long before someone on social media discovered Trump’s “tremendous” resort was sued in 2016. The 4-star resort was sued over a bed bug infestation and #TrumpBedBugs soon began to trend on Twitter. The ridicule annoyed the President to the point that he re...